Ticomm & Promaco, working with the San Giuseppe Parish Missionary Group in Milan, has made an active contribution to the project to link the villages of M'Bassene and N'Dame in Guinea Bissau in Africa.
The two small villages involved are little more than a mile apart, but separated by an inlet of the sea, 110 metres wide and 6 metres deep, cutting off access between them.
All this has restricted social and commercial development in the farming village of M'Bassene, making it impossible for families to send their children to the only school in the area which is on the other side of the inlet.
Thanks to this footbridge, called the "Ponte da Unidade" (Bridge of Unity), the village of M'Bassene can now create a better future for itself: it is easier to trade and the children can go to school every day.
Ticomm & Promaco has provided its experience and the materials (parapetti di sicurezza e grigliati in vetroresina), needed to build the bridge, and thanks to the help of the local population and volunteers from the mission it was put to use within less than three weeks.
The San Giuseppe Missionary Group has been working on educational and public health projects with the Missionary Oblates (OMI) and the Sisters Adorers (ASC) in Guinea Bissau since 1987, building schools, hospitals, aqueducts, water tanks, electrical installations, solar panels, etc.
For further information see: www.omi.it.